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Degoogle It!

A page for climbing out of the capitalist rabbithole.

Capitalism is literally burning the world to the ground, and if we're going to stop it we need to escape the capitalist rabbit hole. What is the "Capitalist Rabbithole?" Look around you're room, or whereever you are now. How many things would you say you own that aren't manufactured, or mass produced by corporations? All your food was either processed, made in a factory, or was branded with a sticker. All your technology was built by robots.All your clothes, books, and self-care products were made across borders and overseas. You don't know where any of it came from other than the vague statement "made in China." You can't pronounce half the ingredients on your favorite foods, let alone do you know what they are. You will be denied basic survival needs (food, water, clean air, shelter, etc.) without the right amount of payment. 99% of your belongings are products of capitalism, and the further you look into it the worse it gets.

That's the Capitalist Rabbithole

How do you escape corporations without living in the woods?

Short answer... you can't.

REAL answer... it's difficult. While it may be possible theoretically, we still need to do a lot of work before we can become truly give up capitalism. They say it's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism, but if we don't dismantle capitialism soon it will literally be the end of the world.

Here's a list of categories of things that I've found to replace big industry products.