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Conservatives are inherently Capitalist

Election day is November 5, 2024. There are fascists in the House. There are fascists in the senate. There are fascists in the courts. We cannot let the fascists into the oval office! If we want to stop the fascists from taking over America, and taking our freedoms while strengthening capitalism, we need to act yesterday!! This page will go over ways you can help combat American fascism directly, and protect the future of anticapitalism and democracy.

Vote!! Obviously!

Article by The Gaurdian detailing steps to take this election year.

Do Not Fall Prey to Media Bias

Spread Awareness of the Danger Trump poses

Ballotopedia, a nonprofit encyclopedia of American Politics

FiveThirtyEight, or "The Polls" (left leaning surveys of Presidential Approval Ratings)

Indivisible, a non-profit orginization with the sole purpose of defeating the MAGAs and creating real true democracy.